¿Conoces nuestros servicios de Recuperación tras Incidentes, basados en NIST CSF?

Do you know our Incident Recovery services, based on NIST CSF?

Iñigo Ladrón Morales

At Zerolynx we are experts in professional services for companies in terms of cybersecurity. Specifically in corporate security, cybersecurity corporate, intelligence corporate, cyberintelligence corporate and patrimonial security.

Our services are aligned with the most important and recognized international cybersecurity recommendations, frameworks and standards. For this reason, our entire offer is based on the NIST framework (National Institute of Standards and Technologies of the United States) and, specifically, on its proposed cybersecurity framework, known as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) .

Thus, the Zerolynx offer is articulated through a wide range of professional services that mach with each of the six functions of the NIST CSF framework:

  • ID.
  • Protection.
  • Detection.
  • Answer.
  • Recovery.
  • Government.

In this article, we will focus on Zerolynx's service offering, aimed at incident recovery and business continuity.

The goal of recovery services is to maintain a high degree of resilience or cyber resilience. That is, being able to reestablish the service after an incident, while allowing business activity to continue normally.

To achieve this, it is necessary to have experts who roll up their sleeves and take action on the matter, as soon as possible, once “past the tempest”. In these situations, after suffering a cyber incident, the time to return to normal is relevant .

Both this variable, time, and the ability to have the appropriate professionals to make effective recovery a reality, as well as the costs it entails, are the main factors to take into account and manage appropriately after an incident or attack.

After the detection of an incident that is taking place, and the corresponding response action, it is time for recovery. At Zerolynx we are aware of this, and we will help you restore your service quickly through our team of experts.

In this work they come together in the following aspects that we will follow throughout the support process:

  • The system restore process itself, as such.
  • Commissioning the systems that are inoperative, lifting them up and making them work as they must.
  • Detection and elimination of vulnerabilities that have caused the cyber incident, and those that could cause another similar one, or of a different nature.
  • Review, update and improvement of the business continuity plan, in accordance with what is established by the regulations ISO 22301 and the best practicesor market recommendations.
  • And, finally, so that it does not happen again, preparation of the lessons learned, with the enumeration of the causes that caused the incident and what was done to eliminate them and restore normal operation.

In short, although in many cases the response plan may coincide or overlap with the recovery plan, the recovery consists of reestablishment of business activity to once again ensure business continuity.

The term “ recovery ” may have other meanings and imply additional concepts. According to the RAE ( Royal Academy of the Spanish Language ) , it can mean:

  • Action and effect of recovering or recovering”.
  • Exam that is carried out…”.
  • And it includes other synonyms such as reestablishment, restore, repair, reconquista, rescue, recycling

In summary, some of the terms that define a recovery are:

  • The restoration.
  • The restoration.
  • The repair.

Thus, incident recovery (recovery from cyber incidents) could be defined as the activity consisting of acting, in the best possible time, to repair what happened and reestablish the situation prior to what happened, in the best possible way, returning to the state or scenario prior to what happened, or better if possible.

As we said, it is vital to have experts in the field and knowledgeable about the systems and business activity. To this end, at Zerolynx we put our professionals at the disposal of the affected company. They will be in charge of:

  • Set up teams of networks and systems, their own, which can work together, integratingwith those of the affected company, while working on recovery.
  • In addition to trying to lift the affected network and systems only, it may be time to review and redesign or redefine the network topology of the affected company, or redefining the architectureand corporate infrastructure, in order to make them more robust, strengthen and protect them better.
  • All these networks, systems, etc. They will have their corresponding operating systems, services and applications, for which our staff has abundant certifications (Microsoft, AWS, Google , Fortinet, etc.).

This is why expert advice and work is necessary to recover as should and expected. Experience in this type of situation prevents precarious or unsuccessful situations from returning to normal.

But how do they work and how are these types of services provided? How do we offer them from Zerolynx so that they are the most effective, efficient and beneficial for your business or company?

We know that each company is a world, with different sectors of activity, different portfolios of services and/or products, different needs, objectives and strategies.

For that emotional reason we adapt to your company, to any type of company, objectives and needs , offering recovery services totally customized to each situation.

Thus, in providing this type of services, we establish several steps when working:

  1. We analyze the situation in detail, reviewing the scenario and its environment, the services, systems, networks, architecture and infrastructure that your company has.
  2. We collaborate closely with your ICT team, establishing the best course of action so joint and consensual.
  3. Before starting the recovery process itself, we check and guarantee correct access to the corporate systems, the possibility of using corporate services again, and the connectivity.
  4. We are focusing on each of your services to restore them one by one, methodically , while we take care of documenting the entire process and the steps carried out, which will serve as lessons learned for possible future occasions.
  5. At the end with the recovery of all services and the restoration of the business continuity, we prepare and deliver a detailed report.

Specifically, our recovery services are the following:

  • Reestablishment of Services and Systems. The management of cybercrisis is our core and, for this reason, we have experts in recovery from cyber incidents, who are more than used to moving through this type of vicissitudes, facing complex cyber attack techniques, helping you apply standards and best practices of recoveryof the activity and your business, in the convenient way possible.
  • Business Continuity and Recovery. Given our experience in hundreds of similar situations in which we apply the recommendations of standards and market norms, and, after having experienced with you a specific incident in your organization and its recovery, we are perfectly trained and in a position to help you review, improve and define new and/or better business continuity plans.

If you want, learn more details by consulting all Zerolynx Recovery services .

In addition, you can also learn about Zerolynx 's complete portfolio of cybersecurity and cyber intelligence services .

If you prefer that we inform you personally, do not hesitate to contact us .


Iñigo Ladrón Morales, Content Editor for Zerolynx.

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