Cybersecurity Employment

At Zerolynx we believe that every member of the company counts. Collaborative learning and horizontal communication are essential pillars in our management model, based on trust and responsibility. We encourage the evolution of each person on the team, which has allowed us to grow to reach a level of quality and commitment that has been recognized with several awards.

Flexible teleworking

  • We offer a model of liquid hybrid work in which you decide if you work from home or from our offices and that we bonus, whatever your option, with €55 monthly.
  • That you have time for yourself and yours is important, that's why we have flexible schedule, intensive morning session in summer and the Friday, free afternoon.
  • Have 27 days skilled at vacation.
  • AND 2 months a year you can enjoy our vacation teleworking from any part of the world.

Health benefits

Private medical insurance

Your health comes first, that's why we offer private health insurance to all our employees

Remunerative benefits

Flexible remuneration

Make your plan voluntarily according to your needs. Allocate the amount of your salary that you prefer to food, transportation or childcare and benefit from the savings.

Career plan

Zero Academy

Cybersecurity is a sector in continuous evolution, therefore, we have a Indoor Academy so that our employees can continue their Career Plan within Zerolynx. Have 7 training plans (Offensive Security, Cyber ​​Defense, Forensics, Intelligence, GRC, Corporate Security and a general one for the Back Office team), with classes throughout the year taught by renowned trainers in the Cybersecurity sector.

Do you want to know more about Zero Academy?

Active vacancies

Below you can find our active vacancies. If you don't find a vacancy that suits your profile, nothing happens! We love spontaneous applications. Send us a message telling us about yourself, detailing what you have studied and telling us about your previous experience and our HR team will contact you.

(En cumplimiento de la LOPD le informamos que trataremos su CV durante el proceso de selección. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo requerimiento legal. Enviando su candidatura acepta explícitamente que Zerolynx gestione su información. Tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si estamos tratando sus datos personales, y a solicitar su rectificación o supresión. Responsable: ZEROLYNX SL (B88028931). Av. Arroyomolinos, 15. 28925, Alcorcón. Email: